Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes
Lake Hiawatha
October 28, 2024
Attendance: Larry Sposato, Lisa Parker, Mark Pouliot, Kim O’Neal, Paul and Nicole Gassett, Jennifer Fantini, Cory Denault, George and Pam Leal, Anna Theresa Coskie
· October 3rd meeting minutes were approved by Pam and 2nd by George.
· October’s treasurer report was approved by Anna Theresa and 2nd by Paul.
Starting balance: $8,008.10
Deposits: $0
Withdrawals: $640.00
10/8/2024 Landscaping: $400.00
10/18/2024 Bite me: $240.00
Ending balance: $7,368.10
· Larry is going to contact Bite Me, they should be done for the season.
· No movement on the land for sale by Pelletier.
· Discussion about increasing the dues was discussed again. Rates have not increased in 3 years. The cost to manage the lake at the current prices is about $15,000.00 per year for maintenance, insurance, taxes, etc. George made the motion to increase the dues to $125.00 per year, which was 2nd by Mark and approved by the committee. More information to following.
· There will be elections next spring, if you would like to run for an office or nominate someone, please reach out to a board member.
· Pam made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Anna Theresa 2nd.
On behalf of the lake committee, we would like to thank Larry for all he has done over the years, and we wish him the best with his move. Larry, you will be missed.
Lake Hiawatha
October 3, 2024
Attendance: Kris White, Sue Daigle, Larry Sposato, Richard Eagan, Gavin Sherman, Nancy Davidson, Lisa Parker, Mark Pouliot, Kim and Mike Pouliot, Kim O’Neal, Regina Sanetti, Loreto & Marilena Galante, Tom Hickey, Paul Gassett, Donna Ledoux, Katherine Fleury, Cory Denault, George and Pam Leal
· August meeting minutes approved by Pam and 2nd by Kris
· September’s treasures report approved by Corey and 2nd by George
Starting balance: $15,674.35
Deposits: $300.00
Withdrawals: $7,966.25
8/27/2024 Amazon Weir repair: $91.25
8/29/2024 Heavy Press Graphics- large LHA boat stickers: $246.00
9/3/2024 ADC Septic/ Porta-Potty: $400.00
9/3/2024 Website: $40.00
RI Analytical: $189.00
R. Brien Paving/ Beach construction: $7,000.00
Ending balance: $8,008.10
128 paid members
· Old business
Boat ramp has been completed
Beach has been redone, which withstood the heavy rain that we just had. The grass is starting to grow in, the board appreciates everyone staying off the beach during this process, it will be worth it in the future.
Weir was replaced and the water has been rising. It does appear that the streams that feed into the lake are blocked, there is no water running down the stream. Larry and mark are going to take a walk and see if they can find where the blockage(s) are.
Plenty of boat sticker, including next year’s 2026 stickers.
· New business
There is no meeting scheduled with the planning board at this time for the development that was planned for our area. If you do see what being started, you are advised to reach out to the planning board.
Elections will take place next June. If you would like to nominate someone for a position or would like to nominate yourself, please reach out to a board member. All positions are opening including president, since Larry is deciding to leave us 😥.
Looking for ways to have fundraisers to help offset the rising costs of things, any ideas or what to be part of a fundraiser, please reach out.
New dock regulations regarding new and repairs will go into effect in 2025.
By laws will be reviewed and updated as well for 2025.
Next meeting will be Monday October 28, 2024, at 5PM. Location will be at Mark and Tracy’s house, which is located at 51 Lakeshore Dr., thank you for hosting again. This will be our last meeting for the 2024 season 😥, please make every effort to join us.